The Perfect Areas to Add Lighting in Your Home

While lighting might come equipped in every home, there are a few spots where it lacks. For example, some front doors don’t have a light installed — which can be a cause for concern when it comes to personal safety. If you feel as if you’re missing light in some regions of your living space, here are a few suggestions of where to have your next fixture installed.

Front Door

As mentioned earlier, some homes aren’t equipped with a light outside of their front door. While some homeowners may opt to go without this essential, it could be quite a danger when you’re walking up steps to your front door at night or if you need to identify an unexpected guest who arrives in the dark. The best part about having a light outside of your door, in addition to safety? It’s simple to install and makes for an excellent, useful investment!


While on the topic of a front door light, it would be best to look into walkway lighting, too. This is not only a great way to add some character to your property, but it’s also a great safety precaution to have. Think about it like this: you have a new friend that’s coming over to your house for the very first time. Upon walking up to the front door, they misplace their foot among your walkway and take a tumble. To avoid this, walkway lighting will help give a subtle glow and illuminate your walkway with the utmost elegance and ease.

Security Lighting

Does your property become rather dim once night rolls around because your neighborhood isn’t illuminated? If so, then you’ll want to look into security lighting — or outdoor lighting that mounts to the side of your house. These lights are often motion-detecting and will turn on the minute that something moves on your property. Whether it’s an animal or an intruder, they’ll think twice about getting closer to your home the minute that beam of light turns on!

Deck or Patio

A spot on most properties that lacks light is a deck or patio. Think about it: when you’re sitting outside with friends or family and the sun goes down, a lack of lighting might make you opt to go inside. One of the best ways to add light to this space is to have spotlights installed on the side of your home that will overlook the area. Another option is to have lighting installed on the steps of the deck, which will make it much safer for guests to walk up and down. No matter where you add light around your deck or patio, a touch of light will make a huge, noticeable difference!

Indoor Staircase

Now moving to the inside of your home, how illuminated is your staircase? Whether it’s many steps or a few, it’s essential to make sure that there’s an adequate amount of light propelled onto each step. This will help prevent any possible slips or spills when anyone happens to walk up or down your stairs. Staircase lighting is a must in every home — and if you don’t have it already, it’s something that should be on your renovation to-do list!

Crammed Spaces

Do you have a small, dark space in your home that’s not ideal for a lamp or any other furnishings? A great way to bring the area to life is by adding floor lighting. Floor lighting is usually placed a few inches above the floor (think of something similar to a movie theater) and can illuminate a space with the utmost ease. This is perfect for cramped hallways or any area where you would prefer not to have overhead lighting.

Are You Looking to Add New Lighting Fixtures to Your Home?

For electrical services that are out of this world, call your Houston electrical specialists at Universal Home Experts today at (713) 364-0226, or click here for more information